Whyteleafe accepted as a Co-op Local Cause
I am pleased to announce that we have been selected for the next round of funding from the Co-op Local Community Fund, which will run until 27th October 2018. This will provide funds for the school to benefit all our children and allow us to develop our Pastoral/Nurture Room.
There are two ways that the Co-op Local Community Fund raises money:
- Every time members shop at the Co-op, 1% of what they spend on selected own brand products and services goes to the Co-op Local Community fund. Co-op members in the local community can choose which local cause receives their share.
- All the local causes in the community get an equal share of the money the Co-op raises from the sales of carrier bags.
I hope that all parents will consider supporting us by making Whyteleafe School their Co-op local cause and I would really appreciate it if you could ask friends and family to support us too.
If you are already a Co-op member, you can immediately sign in to your account and select us as your local cause. You may have to search for us if you do not live near to the school. If you’re not already a Co-op member and would like to join, all you need to do is go to https://www.coop.co.uk/membership and choose to ‘Become a Member’. Once you have joined, you can then select us as your local cause.
We will send out regular updates over the next 11 months on how the fund is progressing.