Sports Premium
At Whyteleafe, we recognise the importance and impact of high quality PE and school sport in a pupils’ academic, social and emotional development. The skills and positive values of sport are integrated into the whole school ethos developing sportsmanship from EYFS to Year 6. We believe in Sport for All, Sport for Excellence, Sport for Fun and Sport for Life and use our curriculum to deliver this ethos to the children. Sport at Whyteleafe fosters positive relationships within teams enabling our children to experience competition in a range of contexts. We offer a diverse PE curriculum including idance, REAL GYMNASTICS and REAL PE, which provides our children with the confidence and self esteem to try new activities and develop their existing skills. Pupils in years 1-5 will also have weekly swimming lessons, in our on-site pool, where our expectation is that they will be able to confidently swim above the year 6 National Curriculum targets. Our focus on teaching our pupils skills allows them to promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle by developing self-motivation to take part in physical activities. By developing a positive attitude and interest in a wide range of physical activities, it provides children with the skills they need to continue with their interests out of school.
At Whyteleafe School our children experience leadership and coaching opportunities allowing them to expand their knowledge and understanding of PE and games. Our children are engaged, motivated and challenged to achieve their very best. Talents are identified and opportunities for children to excel are provided.
We offer a range of after school sports clubs for children, in addition to their weekly PE and swimming lessons, allowing children to further practise and develop their sport and feel part of a team. Weekly competitions allow children to represent the school and their achievements are celebrated within the school and with parents and carers.
Through our motivating and challenging PE curriculum, children develop their oracy skills by evaluating their own and their peers’ performances. Children are assessed against the national curriculum.
By the end of Year 6, a Whyteleafe child will have all of the sporting values of fairness, integrity, responsibility and respect embedded into their ethos. They will have developed a love of sport and, through our challenging curriculum, will have developed the skills they need to play a comprehensive range of sport to a high standard.